SINCE 1976...
Keeley Construction, established in 1976 by Larry Keeley, began as a small, family-owned paving company. Today, with over 1,500 dedicated Keeley'ns, our enterprise has evolved into a powerhouse in construction with four different business units: Civil, Paving, Building, and Industrial. Despite our growth, Keeley Construction still upholds the same core principles spoken by our founder decades ago, "Quality, Safety, and Service never go out of style."
Offices Nationwide
Years as Your Trusted Construction Partner
At Keeley Companies, our culture sets us apart. We are dedicated to the safety, well-being, and career growth of our people. We wholeheartedly believe that if you get the people right, the results will follow.
We are proud to have a wide range of experience across our four diverse business groups. Our team of experienced construction professionals brings a wealth of knowledge and expertise to provide our customers with the highest quality of service, from start to finish. Our team is dedicated to completing projects on time and within budget. We take pride in our commitment to customer service and strive to exceed expectations on every job. Take a look at some of our project experience below.
Keeley Companies is a family-owned enterprise building communities across the country. We are one single source for investment, development, management, construction, and restoration. Each project reflects our values and dedication to spreading positivity and making a meaningful impact in the communities we serve.